Sunday, June 7, 2009


You're probably thinking, EW GROSS WHAT IS THAT.  I might too.  Street food to go is poured into plastic bags and sealed with rubber bands.  Everythng comes in bags, actually.  You can get drinks poured into bags--a makeshift handle is created with the rubber band and a straw is used for easy drinking.  This feast is some delicious noodles and soup.  I beleive it was gai (chicken) and basil.  The orange bag is hot sauce.  very good.  In terms of earth-friendliness* even though plastic bags aren't that great, and they definitely litter every public space, they are better than enormous styrofoam boxes.

*thailand loves to save the earth.  Well, make products that ask you nicely to "Please, please save the earth!"  with animals hugging.  It's funny how even a serious issue like conservation and global warming are asked politely.  Also, surprisingly, there are parts of the city that provide bins for trash, recycling, and composting.  If Bangkok can do it, we can too.
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