Friday, May 15, 2009


So what, exactly, am I doing in Thailand??

I am a 2nd-year graduate student in City and Regional Planning at UNC in Chapel Hill, NC. This summer, I have been awarded a position in the TRAI Internship program, which is through the Kenan Institute Asia, part of the Kenan-Flagler Business School on campus.

I am working with a team of 5 other planning and business students to create a master plan for sustainable redevelopment of one of the provinces hit by the 2005 Tsunami. The Phang-Nga province, just north of Phuket,is a world-reknowned tourist destination. It's supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in the world and a lot of its unique ecology and natural resources are what brings so many tourists to the area. We will work with local governments, business owners, residents, and other stakeholders to create a plan for future development that protects the ecosystems and also supports the tourism industry.

The TRAI program has other teams that are working on different aspects of the tourism industry in the area: some are focuing on accomodating different types of tourists or the entrepreneurial side of tourism. It is an ongoing program that brings students over every summer.

I'll be living in Bangkok and making trips to the region. I may also do some other traveling and sight-seeing! I love exploring new cities, especially by foot so you can take in the full street life.


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