Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chiang Mai Adventures!

Sometimes you have to ignore the current and just JUMP IN!

(I should make inspirational posters with all my photos)

This weekend, we went to Chiang Mai in the northern part of the country. Aside from being a few degrees cooler than Bangkok, the city is smaller and located in the mountains. We did this really cool day tour on Saturday: Elephant Trekking through the jungle, mountain biking through a village, and whitewater rafting. It was a LOT of fun!

This photo is from rafting, we all jumped off some rocks into a deep part of the river. If only I had turned to face the camera! Our tour guide, Win, took photos of us all day. Our River guide, Chai, was insane: He was a young 19-year old with one eye who thought it was funny to make us flip. He also forgot to direct us through the last rapid and we all had near-death experiences. Now, I know I exaggerate a lot. A LOT. Hyperbole is practically my middle name. But this was serious! Our entire boat flipped at the beginning of the rapids and we all tumbled out. We all held onto the boat and thought we were safe until we hit another series of rocks. I felt like i was somersaulting underwater and running into rocks. I also got caught underneath the boat and barely made it out. My friend Megan got a concussion and we are all bruised and scratched up.

It was pretty unbeleiveable since we had successfully navigated through the rougher rapids earlier! I knew we were in trouble when the other river guide who was much more experienced than our guide was freaking out and yelling at everyone to swim to the shore immediately. Also, people in the villages along the river ran down to help us out. In the end, we all survived and have an exciting story to bring back home!

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